2 days in a row in Borre

So I’m going to try for the Kilo at LA-2541 Borreparken, had 2 days in a row at different spots.
The first day I tried my DIY vertical from the top of one of the burial mounds, worked also fine, got a bit of elevation too.

Conditions was not the best with much QRM (fading in and out) so some contacts took a little time, patience is your friend in theese situations.

On day 1 I got a visit, a doe (I think) almost pulled my radials out but ran as it spotted me, got a picture from a distance right after.

Day 2 I brought my own little helper 🙂
Needed that when no good center points were available so I strung my ends from tree to tree, this antenna is tuned for my mast (fishingpole) and a invertet V setup, so it was a bit off but still well within tuning range.

I prefer SSB but when conditions are like this I have the option of going digital with FT8, mostly just to save the activation


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